Equipment Application 2024/25

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This application will remain open for the 24/25 season.
Frankston Yacht Club, Long Island Drive (via, Davey St, Frankston VIC 3199

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Boat/Equipment Storage Application

Equipment storage space at FYC is very limited. The primary purpose of equipment storage is to provide a convenient storage option to facilitate the development of sailing skills and participation in Club racing.

Allocation will be considered annually based on the availability of storage spaces, the prior season's storage allocation, volunteer attendance and your regular participation in club racing. All successful applicants must abide by our FYC boat storage Policy.


Storage is only offered to current financial members, and if you are successful, storage fees will be included in your 2023/24 membership fees.

Please submit your application by clicking the APPLY button on the right-hand side above the map.



Storage Fee: 







Mast up Catamaran or Mono Hull

Shed Ground


Mono Hull, Trimaran, Oversized Kayak

Shed Middle


Small Mono Hull, Kayak, Large Windsurfer

Shed Top


Small Mono, Kayak, Canoe, Windsurfer, Boards

Vertical/ Horizontal Small Rack


SUP, Board, Windsurfer, Sails

Where a boat encroaches on another space or makes another space more limited in use, fee adjustments may be made to protect the budgeted income level.

If you have more than one watercraft you wish to have stored at the Club; please submit a separate application for each.

Frankston Yacht Club Incorporated


This is the Club “Boat/Equipment Storage Policy” referred to in the Boat/Equipment Storage Application. 

Frankston Yacht Club Inc (the Club) Boat/Equipment Storage Policy and Conditions: 

The Club has limited space for financial members to store boats, trailers and other approved equipment in the Club boat yard and sheds. This policy governs such storage and assigns applicable fees, eligibility, and priority of storage as determined by the Club executive committee from time to time. 


1. Off the Beach non-motorized craft (i.e., sail boat, SUP, canoe, kayak etc) will have storage preference over all other equipment. 

2. Trailers and other non-water equipment will not be permitted where it precludes space for other water equipment. 

3. Storage applications will have priority where Members are recognised as active participants in club activities, including regular working bees and social events. 

4. Members are required to participate in a recognised capacity for: Discover Sailing Day, Family and Friends Day, volunteer roster for daily duties at FYC, FYC hosted regattas. 

5. Members deemed “inactive” may be requested to remove their equipment. 

6. The Storage agreement is for a maximum term of 1 year and must be applied for every year.

7. Storage period is from 1st September to 31st August each year. 

8. Base storage Fees are assigned by the Club at the AGM each year and are available from the Club Fee Schedule. 

9. Fee may be adjusted where a boat impacts the Club's ability to store other nearby equipment. 

10. Members will comply with any instructions issued by the Club-appointed Yard Manager regarding equipment storage. 

11. Boats may only be stored on trailers at the absolute discretion of the Club. This may be revoked at any time for any reason. 

12. Assigned equipment storage space must be kept tidy and clean of debris, litter, loose equipment etc. 

13. Assignment of any storage locations will be performed by the Yard Manager, accounting for likely usage and effective use of available space. 

14. Mast-up boats must be strapped down with a rated tie-down, crossing both port and starboard at all times to tie-down points provided. 

15. Boats without an appropriate tie-down will be made safe by the yard manager at the owners’ expense.

16. The Club will require owners to make their space available for visitors during official regattas. A suitable notice period will be given.



1. The Club agrees to allow the Member to store the equipment identified in the Application in the assigned location(s) on the Club premises, subject to prior payment of the storage fees applicable. 

2. The Club will not be liable for any loss or damage to the equipment whilst stored at the Club. The equipment is on the Club premises at the sole risk of the Member. 

3. The Member warrants to the Club that the boat and associated equipment are in a good & safe condition for storage at the Club premises. Further, the member agrees to fully indemnify the Club for any loss, suit, claim, or demand brought against the Club or any of its Members, Officials, or any other person due to the storage of the Member’s equipment, whether in negligence or otherwise. 

4. Equipment, boats, sails, spars, rudders, and trailers will not protrude beyond designated storage boundaries as assigned to the Member. 

5. Members cannot relocate boat positions without the Yard Manager's prior written approval. The Club reserves the right to relocate any equipment, at any time, for any reason. 

6. Members will promptly relocate equipment if directed by the Yard Manager. 

7. During preparation for any regatta, the Club may provide alternative temporary storage for members unable to remove their boats. At the direction of the Yard Manager, the Club may remove boats from the yard to such temporary areas to free up required space for the event. 

8. At the Club's discretion, a member may park a vehicle within their assigned storage space while using their approved equipment. Vehicles within the yard shall be at the owners’ risk and Members will be responsible for any damage caused to any equipment. 

9. Equipment and Vehicles must never be parked in yard aisleways or driveways, block members access to their equipment or block emergency exits. The right to park cars in the boat yard remains at the discretion of the Club. 

10. Working Bees will be scheduled periodically to maintain the storage areas. Members storing equipment in the yard or sheds are required to attend these working bees. 

11. The Club may terminate this agreement for any reason, including but not limited to the following: - the Club determines the equipment is not sufficiently in active use - failure to participate in working bees related to yard maintenance - failure to adhere to these Storage Policy requirements 

12. Should the Club terminate this agreement in writing to the Member at any time, the Member must remove the equipment from the Club premises within 14 days of notification. Notification will be deemed to have been delivered to the Member when the Club notifies the Member, via the nominated contact details on the application, unless other contact details are otherwise later advised. (Mobile and/or email).

13. Equipment not removed within the 14 days shall be deemed “abandoned” and as such the member authorises the Club as his or her agent to sell or otherwise dispose of the equipment and recover from any proceeds, all costs associated with the removal, storage, sale or disposal of the equipment (“costs”). Any proceeds of sale remaining after deduction of costs and monies owing to the Club, shall be remitted to the Member at the member’s last known address.

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