Life Members

1969 Carl THURKLE *  
1976 Leigh GLOURY*
1976 Dr Richard COLAHAN*
1983 Graham RADNELL*
1983 William MARKS*
1999  Ian HERCUS
1999 Andrew. HURST
2002 Harry WRAGGE*
2007 John CROWDER
2007 Don ALBERS*
2008 Roly DELANGE
2022 Rodney Butcher
2022 Meaghan Densley

* Deceased 


Graham Randell - 1983

Graham’s major achievement was as Club Treasurer when the Club was in very poor circumstances.  Graham conducted successful negotiations with the Banks, exerted good financial discipline and brought the Club back to a sound financial condition.

Graham was not a keen sailor but was inveigled onto his son Rob’s Pacer as crew on several occasions. His pet hate was the spinnaker.

Graham’s main activity around the Club was selling beer tickets for the bar as the Club was not licenced to sell liquor, only to store members' own liquor.

Dr Richard (Dick) Colahan 1976

Dick Colahan, introduced the concept of Sabot Week to run alongside the National Championship programme and was a wonderful coach and mentor for many aspiring sailors. The intent was to give children of members an opportunity to experience sailing and to provide an entry into the Cadet group and later to graduate into the Intermediate class.

Dick taught his children, Rosie, Anne, Sally and Peter to sail in Sabots at Frankston Yacht Club. He built the first plywood boat in the lounge room and the next on an enclosed verandah. 

Carl Thurkle 1969

Carl was a Club Captain of Par Excellence. He was a fountain of knowledge on just about every topic, be it rules, protocol, or contacts into the VYC  (Victorian Yachting Council, the predecessor of YV) He did not sail himself but was quite at home on the water if needed.  

Leigh Gloury 1976

Leigh was a foundation Member of the Club. One of his early boats was a Sharpie. Later he Sailed “Touche” a well-known Yvonne in State and National clubs and fleets.

He was a Commodore twice and always maintained a strong interest in the Club.

One of his major achievements was as an actor in the film “On the Beach” which was filmed partly in the Frankston/Davies Bay area. His role was that of a sailor of a boat that capsized. Leigh was the stand-in who went for the swim.

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